Why Do Women Avoid Professions Dominated by Men?

Thousands of years ago a woman would have been risking her life and health if she tried to go out and work with the guys.  Men and women filled very different roles in their daily lives.  Modern society has broken down many of the gender barriers but we still have professions that are mostly dominated by men.  Why is that so?

Can Bernie Sanders Defeat Donald Trump in 2016?

I think there are only two viable candidates for President right now: Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.  I don’t like Donald Trump.  He is a total pig.  But I am not sure if Bernie Sanders is the man I want to be President.

It’s Time for Some Huckleberries

My mom used to make us huckleberry pie when we were kids.  I miss that wonderful sweet aroma coming from the kitchen.  I have been craving huckleberries lately and I could not figure out why until I mentioned it to mom.  She said huckleberry season is almost over and that means soon you won’t be able to find any fresh huckleberries for almost another whole year.

White Cheese Mexican Dip

One of my favorite comfort foods is a Mexican restaurant cheese dip that you can make a meal of. It’s true! My friends and I love to munch out on bowls of white cheese dip from our local Mexican restaurants. We do this at least twice a month!